Meditation Offerings
Clients have the opportunity to engage in an individualized meditation offering to aid in enhancing their spirit and remedy any imbalances in accordance with their spiritual assessment. Meditation offerings will use spiritual meditation in combination with one or more of the following: sound, movement, mindfulness, guided imagery, visualization or a combination of any of these options based on therapists discretion.
Clients have the opportunity to engage in an individualized meditation offering to aid in enhancing their spirit and remedy any imbalances in accordance with their spiritual assessment. Meditation offerings will use spiritual meditation in combination with one or more of the following: sound, movement, mindfulness, guided imagery, visualization or a combination of any of these options based on therapists discretion.
Clients have the opportunity to engage in an individualized meditation offering to aid in enhancing their spirit and remedy any imbalances in accordance with their spiritual assessment. Meditation offerings will use spiritual meditation in combination with one or more of the following: sound, movement, mindfulness, guided imagery, visualization or a combination of any of these options based on therapists discretion.