To heal is to touch with love that which we previously touched with fear.”
- Stephen Levine
Our services
Creative Arts Therapy
This service allows for client and therapist to engage in the creative therapy modality that is best suited for the clients needs. This includes Dance/Movement Therapy, Musical Expression or Art Making. The session is also available for verbal processing however. the creative process will be emphasized.
50 mins | $75-$125 | Sliding Scale Available
** We are currently not accepting insurance**
White Water Healing hosts a variety of workshops in alignment with our company pillars. Workshops include but are not limited to Culture & Mental Health, Creativity and its Impact on Brain Functioning, Cultural Competency, Conscious Manifestation, Obtaining & Maintaining Peace. Workshops include CAT experientials, interactive activities, lecture and discussion.
45-90 mins | $100-$250
Clinical Supervision
Our therapist Oosaseun provides licensed supervision to graduate level Dance/Movement Therapy students who are seeking guidance in creating or reframing their theoretical framework and looking for guidance in the field of creative arts therapy.
45 mins | $55-$85 | Sliding Scale Available